Thursday, January 7, 2010

Arctic Freeze in Dallas

Dallas is experiencing the coldest weather in 20 years with an Arctic front that moved in last night.  We began the day with some delightful freezing drizzle and gusty winds bringing the wind chill to a crisp 0 degrees (the picture above is from 10:45 AM).  The actual temperature was 28 at sunrise and dropping.  By the time I walked the dog (Wes' dog that Wes wanted yet I was walking him in the freezing drizzle.  I am a SAINT), it was 24 with 45 MPH wind gusts.  Trevor loved it but then again, I wasn't wearing his fur coat.  The good news?  There is no good news.  It may not get above freezing until Sunday afternoon.

To think I moved to Dallas because it's a large urban area in a warm climate.

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