Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Democrats F-Up Another One

Pretty-boy Republican Scott Brown has been elected to fill Ted Kennedy's Senate seat.  Goodbuy Democratic super majority.  I guess shaking hands doesn't seem so icky now, does it Martha?  Despite all the weeping and wailing and knashing of teeth, this doesn't have to mean the end of health care reform.  After all, the Dems still have a bigger majority than George Bush ever had.  The difference is, the Republicans are disciplined and the Democrats are a bunch of pussys.  It's time to find your balls, folks, forget all this bi-partisanship bullshit and play hardball.  It's either that or hand America over to the teabaggers.  Your choice.

UPDATE:  Senator Jim Webb, Democrat of Virginia and Rep. Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts both issued statements within minutes of Coakley's concession saying further voting on the health care bill should wait until Brown is seated.  In other words, health care is done, let's stop trying.  That's my interpretation, you can read them for yourself.  Sen. Webb's statement is here and Rep. Frank's statement is here.  I think it's interesting that these two tough-guy politicians both spoke out so soon. 

So, we should sacrifice health care on the blessed alter of bi-partisanship.  That's a brilliant strategy.  After a year of ugly dithering, start over so the democrats can go into the mid-terms with exactly zero major legislative accomplishments.  At least, that will be the public perception.  What reason does that give anyone to vote for a Democrat?

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