Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Scott Lively's "Nuclear Bomb"

Scott Lively  is the "Christian" missionary who was one of three Americans participating in the March 2008 anti-gay conference in Uganda that preceded the gay genocide bill.  He claims to oppose the law, yet hear his words spoken in Uganda.  He has bragged that his words constituted a "nuclear bomb."  This clip is beyond anything you ca imagine.  He teaches that we are all serial killers who were responsible for the Rwandan massacre.  He says the Rwandan murderers were macho and gays are macho therefore gays were "probably" responsible.  Seriously, that's the depth of his analysis.  He presents himself as the world's foremost expert on homosexuality.  Judge for yourself, if you have the stomach for it.  

Is is any wonder that Ugandan politicians were inspired to kill gays?  Lively knew exactly what he was doing and he got the result he wanted.  Read much more at Box Turtle Bulletin.

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