Thursday, April 22, 2010

Leslie Jordan's Trip Down the Pink Carpet

Emmy winner Leslie Jordan's one-man show has opened in New York and the New York Times was there.  I saw this show in a previous incarnation in Fort Worth a few years ago and laughed until I cried.  Then I cried for real.  It's hysterically funny but has insights that cut to the bone.  Here's a bit from the Times review: 

"He describes his voice as Miss Prissy with a dash of Blanche Devereaux, and his gait as Bette Midler in concert meets Ruth Gordon in “Harold and Maude.” 'I am a high school cheerleader stuck in a 55-year-old man’s body,' he confesses. 'If you were to cut me open, Hannah Montana would jump out.'”

I read the book too.  Highly recommended.

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