Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Daily Shuffle: Lindsay Lohan Gets Day Pass For Thanksgiving

lindsay lohan
  • Lindsay Lohan has been granted 15 hours of freedom outside of the Betty Ford Center in honor of Thanksgiving. She's going to be with her dad in L.A. Doesn't that sound extraordinary? At least she'll come back with material?- TMZ
  • Confusingly, Heidi Montag released emails to Radar Online that were exchanged between her recently deceased plastic surgeon, Dr. Frank Ryan, that show he wanted to get her to promote him on Twitter. - Radar Online
  • Police want to talk to Denise Richards about Charlie Sheen, and his liking of wrecking hotel rooms where children go to make a memory. - E!
  • Here's video of Kanye West ranting about how artists shouldn't have any fear of anything at a concert, where people people probably just wished he'd shut the fuck up and just bring out the ballerinas. - EW
  • Billy Joel is recovering after he had both of his hips replaced "to correct a congenital condition." But I happen to have it on super-duper solid authority that it was just because he was old. - BBC

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