Monday, February 14, 2011

Smart Fashion: Adopt the Chic Girl Attitude

Looking chic and elegant doesn't mean looking like a cover girl. Simple clothes, good company, self confidence, and good food are elements of smart fashion.
The Chic Girl's Attitude About Fashion

Women don't have to look the same, nor do we have to aspire to look like models. None of us have to have more to be more.

The Chic girl has a simple wardrobe ensemble that consists of a few shirts, cardigans, pants, a skirt, scarves, a handbag, heel, boots, and some flats. Owning classic, quality pieces that will last for years is the secret to smart fashion.

True fashion is quality, not quantity and should never be a product of impulse buying. Get rid of junky cheap pieces that you never wear and rebuild your wardrobe piece by piece. Indulgent shopping sprees are not the answer to a chic style; instant gratification and over-indulgence are not a Chic girl's habits, nor is over-spending.
The Chic Girl's Shopping Advice

Buying quality classic pieces that includes everything from scarves to handbags is a Chic girl's habit. She recycles and adds to her wardrobe over the years creating her own signature style. Less is more if it's an expression of quality and authenticity and it doesn't stop at material things – good company, self confidence, and good food are all part of the Chic girl's fashion ensemble.

To shop like a Chic girl, take into consideration your budget. Be realistic and stick to what you can afford and buy, even if it's just one item, the best quality. You'll be happier with something unique and timeless than the mass produced junk that will end up in the garbage.

 You can change your mind, be eccentric, and be a little whimsical. The Chic girl isn't pressured by the changing fashion trends, nor does she worry about her unique style fitting the current mould.
   Chic Girl Fashion and Confidence
A woman who is sure of who she is on the inside will inevitably appear sure of herself from the inside. Beauty is confidence, not arrogance, and the Chic girl demonstrates the difference through kindness, compassion, and independence. Read books, create art, dance, volunteer, or throw a party. Feeding your mind and soul develops a good self image.
Chic Girl Fashion and Food

Simple meals made with wholesome ingredients that include good bread, a good wine, and a superb dessert are the elements of a great social gathering and a satisfying meal. Once you've tossed away the notion that everything needs to be complicated in order to be a good and tasty experience, you'll quickly notice that it's not a difficult task to host a small impromptu gathering, a simple party, or an afternoon break.

It is a time to breathe, socialize, and enjoy coffee, bread, and fine chocolate alone or with good friends. As with many things food-related, taking time for a dessert break during the day is not only satisfying to the palate, but it's nourishing for the soul. A coffee break is a fashionable social ritual that every girl should indulge. The time set aside from a busy day isn't about a coffee fix but rather a time of reflection alone or with family and friends.

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