Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Quote of the Day

"The Lutheran minister, wiser in the ways of men and women, suggests that this young man is going to get pretty lonely looking for another woman able to give him all this young woman does--and who doesn't mind his playing around on the side. The possibility of taming one's sexual desire for the sake of another, or of a vow, is not in the Savage moral imagination. Libido will have out, and honesty about that is the best policy. He brings, in other words, the best of gay sexual ethics and experience to a straight audience, with potentially disastrous results."

--NOM's Maggie Gallagher, criticizing Dan Savage for dispensing the radical advice that a man should be honest with his girlfriend about his desire to stray.  Of course, the noble straight man is always able to tame his sexual desire, unlike the savage gays.  The title of the post is "Dan Savage Educates Your Children?" thus bringing up the pernicious stereotype of sex-obsessed homosexuals preying on innocent children.   

Notice that, after she characterizes Savage's opinion as the inability to "tame our "libidos," (which isn't at all what he said), she calls it "gay sexual ethics" as if we were all slaves to our libidos, thus bringing up the ugly stereotype of the homosexual sex addict. 
Keep in mind that Maggie insists that she and NOM are not anti-gay, just pro-marriage.  Also, keep in mind that Maggie bore a child out of wedlock.  I guess she's an expert on inability to "tame her libido." 

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