Thursday, August 27, 2009

Models Give Beauty Tips To Young Girls On Web

Homemade beauty treatments like sugar, ground coffee, oatmeal, honey and olive oil are apparently the secret she would like to share with young girls to her glowing complexion, reports dailymail.

Web Models Actress On Web
Paltrow's homespun beauty tips appeared in her latest newsletter on her website Goop, which she uses to air even giving beauty tips her views on everything from relationships and raising children to recipes and favourite hotels.

"Today I bring you some beauty tips and wisdom from the people who trick you into thinking I am a semi-presentable woman," she wrote.

She also says that one has to feel good in one's skin.

"The first thing is to find acceptance when you look in the mirror. The mind wants to focus on flaws. Ease it into remembering the beauty web models of who you are," she writes.

She then suggests a three-stage body scrub which involves cleansing the pores with a mixture of Turbinado sugar (which comes from the first pressing of the sugar cane), olive oil and coarsely ground coffee

WALNUT CREEK, Calif. - Your hair color is fading, your unibrow is growing, and you desperately need a pedicure.

In the age of do-it-yourself everything, you just need a refresher course in grooming. Channel your teenage years, when you and your girls friends would host pajama parties like web models just to braid hair and paint toenails. To help, we've gathered tips from Jessica Aguallo and Lisa Anderson, instructors at Marinello Schools of Beauty in Concord, Calif.

They have a combined 40 years of experience in cosmetology - Anderson owns Diva Styles salon in Oakland, Calif. - and are proponents of using ingredients found in your cupboard or pantry to maintain hair, skin and nails. As our professional movie gallery actresses appointments become less frequent, we decided to get tips from these experts on grooming at home.

Beauty Tips For GirlsFacial

Anderson has been giving herself facials using natural ingredients for years. She recommends the following basic facial once every one to two weeks. All you need to know is your skin type - normal, dry or oily.

•Cleanse face with whatever you normally use.

"Stay away from harsh soaps," Anderson said.

She's a fan of softening bars, such as African black soap, or products by Eucerin or Neutrogena that won't overdry skin.

•Once your skin is clean, make a natural steam to open up pores, she said. Bring a quart of water to a boil and pour into a bowl. While still steaming, place five tea bags - Anderson recommends to all the celebrity with famous movie gallery and models camomile or peppermint - in the bowl, throw a towel over your head and breathe in the steam for three two-minute increments.

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