Monday, February 22, 2010

Lieberman to Sponsor DA/DT Repeal

None other than Senator Joe Lieberman will sponsor the Senate bill to repeal Don't Ask/Don't tell.  This is reportedly being done at the request of the White House.  He gave an interview to the New York Daily News and here's an excerpt:

In an exclusive interview with the Daily News, Lieberman told me that his commitment to repealing DADT is twofold. First, allowing gays to serve openly fulfills the bedrock American promise of providing citizens with "an equal opportunity to do whatever job their talents and sense of purpose and motivations lead them to want to do - including military service." Second, and no less important for a lawmaker whose commitment to national security the Pentagon can't doubt, is that "When you artificially limit the pool of people who can enlist then you are diminishing military effectiveness."

You can read the whole thing here.  He's actually the perfect choice for this job.  He's so conservative that he spoke at the GOP convention and can't be realistically painted a pointy headed liberal.  The GOP will try, of course.  This further proves my point that gay rights issues aren't liberal or conservative issues.  They are issues of basic fairness and civil rights and there's no logical reason why conservatives and liberals can't unite on them.  We have to get to the point where fear of homos ceases to motivate the Republican base.

Via LC NY Bureau Chief Doug.

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