Sunday, February 21, 2010

More CPAC Gayness

Remember Ryan Sorba, whose anti-gay douschebaggery got him booed off-stage at the conservative freak-fest CPAC?   An openly gay conservative named Alex Knepper had a post-rant conversation with Sorba that was quite revealing.  An excerpt:

"So what did you think of my little tirade, then?”

“Oh, I thought it was quite evil, actually. I’m gay.”

“You mean you think you’re gay.”

“No, I’m gay. Do you think it’s a choice?”

“I think it’s the result of a complex process of social and environmental factors, but that it’s reversible.”

“So, like, why is it that over one hundred animals have been observed engaging in homosexual sex in nature?”

“Well, only 0.2% of animals are known to do that — ”

” — I mean, mammals, obviously, not ants, birds — ”

” — you know, animals masturbate, your dog humps your leg. Does your dog talk with a lisp?”

“Do I talk with a lisp?!” I yelled.

“A little bit.” (I later asked a couple of gay friends if I have a small lisp; both of them said I have no lisp whatsoever. Aron, who is straight, has said my voice is sometimes theatrical, but that I don’t have a lisp.)

“Rudy Giuliani has a lisp — is he gay?”

Read the whole thing here.  Then check out this video from GOProud, the far-right gay Republican group:

I am no fan of gay Republicans and do not understand how a gay person can associate himself with the GOP, but I have to say I'm glad they were there.  Between Sorba being booed off-stage and NOM getting totally served by a bunch of queers, CPAC has turned into a gay public relations bonanza.

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