Friday, October 1, 2010

Alyson Books to Stop Publishing; Still Owes Me Money

Alyson Books, publisher of gay authors and gay oriented books, has announced that they are ceasing print publishing.  Basically, they're going to shut down for a year and re-emerge as an e-book only publisher.  How much do you want to bet we never hear from them again?  They are reaching out to authors under contract to give them the option of getting their rights back or being e-published in a year.  Or so.  Hopefully.  I'd go with option 1. 

Not that I'm bitter or anything, but they still owe me $50.00 for my story published in Best Gay Love Stories 2010Still available from Amazon!  Order today!  The Amazon page still lists Harvey Fierstein as the author of the forward.  Didn't happen, probably because Alyson didn't pay him.

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