Sunday, October 10, 2010

Beautiful Quote of the Day

"Sexual orientation is not a barrier to our relationship with God or God's love for us."

--Rev. Eric Folkerth, pastor of Northaven United Methodist Church of Dallas in a powerful sermon delivered today titled "Bullying and the Theology Behind it."  Eric and Northaven UMC stand in sharp contrast to Albert Mohler and his ilk.  Northaven also happens to be my church and Wes and I witnessed the sermon today.  You can listen to it here, and I encourage you to do so.  He discussed the churches who's theology allows those who would bully, assault, and murder gays and lesbians to believe that God approves of what they do.  He also discussed the churches that are silent on gay issues in an effort to avoid controversy.  They are silent in the face of evil. 

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