Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cindy McCain Speaks Out Against DA/DT

Cindy McCain and a bunch of B-list celebs are featured in a NoH8 PSA and McCain highlights the injustice of Don't Ask/Don't Tell:

Gee, if only there were someone she could influence; someone who is, oh I don't know, the chief roadblock to DA/DT repeal?  Someone she goes to bed with every night?  Ring a bell, Cin?  I sincerely appreciate the efforts of everyone who appears in this PSA, but come on Cindy, it's your frigging husband you have to convince.    

This reminds me of the Dubya administration leaking Barbara and Laura Bush's supposed pro-choice beliefs at every opportunity (before we knew the fetus in a jar story).  Don't take our hard line too seriously, they were trying to say, we're just pretending to be fanatics to play to the base.  Is that John McCain's excuse?  

UPDATE:  Cindy has backtracked...over the backs of her "gay friends."   

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