Friday, March 5, 2010

Anti-Gay Senator Arrested After Leaving Gay Bar

I know this was all over the web yesterday, which might as well be last century in net years, I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to post on it.  I couldn't pass it up!  The senator in question is California state senator Roy Ashburn and he was arrested for a DUI after leaving Faces, a Sacramento gay club.  Roy was with a certain unnamed handsome young man.  Naturally, Republican Roy is his strong anti-gay voting record.  He has voted against every pro-gay bill that has come up during his tenure, including Harvey Milk Day, anti-discrimination laws and recognition of out-of-state marriages.  Plus, this turd hosted a "traditional family values" hatefest in 2005 to drum up support for a constitutional amendment prohibiting gays from marrying.  This reinforces my belief that when a politician or preacher becomes an anti-gay crusader, there's always a deeply personal reason.  The closet cases are our worst enemy. 

Ashburn also has a strong anti-immigrant voting record.  Why is that relevant?  It turns out it was Latin Night at Faces, including the ever-popular Miss Gay Latina pageant.  The unnamed handsome young man in Roy's car was also Hispanic. 

I guess Roy likes to fuck Latin men literally and figuratively. 

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