Friday, March 5, 2010

Liz Cheney Hates America

Liz Cheney, who has made a career of sponging off Daddy Dick's fame, has launched a little website ironically called "Keep America Safe."  KAS' latest cynical ploy is to fake outrage over seven Justice Department lawyers who previously provided legal services to terror suspects.  La Liz had branded them all "the Al-Qaeda 7."  See how that works?  She doesn't actually come out and say they're terrorist sympathizers, she just implies it.  Strongly. 

Why does Liz Cheney hate America?  There is an honorable tradition in the legal profession of representing unpopular defendants.  Our judicial system depends on it.  Is Liz truly that ignorant of the American justice system or is she contemptuous of it?  Apparently she doesn't mind dragging a honorable people through the muck if she can score a few political points. 

Unfortunately for the queen of nepotism, she seems to be stirring up a backlash from the right.  John Bellenger, former legal advisor to Secretary of State Condolezza Rice said:

"It reflects the politicization and the polarization of terrorism issues," Bellinger said. "Neither Republicans nor Democrats should be attacking officials in each other's administrations based solely on the clients they have represented in the past."

Former Solicitor General to George W. Bush Ted Olson (and lead attorney on the current legal challenge to Prop 8) said:

"When government officials are called 'war criminals' and when public-interest lawyers are called 'terrorist huggers,' it not only cheapens the discourse, it scrambles the dialogue," Olson wrote, along with Neal Katyal, currently a DoJ Deputy Solicitor General and one of the lawyers who represented Gitmo detainees. "The best solutions to these difficult problems will emerge only when the best advocates, backed by weighty resources, bring their talents to bear. And the heavy work of creating solutions for these complicated issues can only move forward when the name-calling ceases."

Don't think for a minute that this means Liz Cheney will relent.  She will never miss an opportunity to politicize terrorism and national defense.  Apparently soullessness is an inherited trait. 

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