Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oscar Nom Madness!

The Oscar nominations have been announced and how did I do with my predictions?  Don't ask.  Let's just move on.  Here's a full list of all nominations.  Of course I watched it live this morning on Good Morning America and loved seeing Gabby Sidibe moments after the announcement.  She's just precious (I crack myself up).  Here are my thoughts on the nominations:

Supporting Actress:  Penelope Cruz may be waiting with her legs open, but this is a one-woman race.  Mo'nique will win and she should win.  Nice to see Maggie Gyllenhaal get nominated.  That was about as close as the Oscars got to a surprise this year.  I believe this is the third Gyllenhaal nomination.  Maybe one day there will be a Gyllenhaal win.  The two Up in the Air gals were great, but I didn't think either performance was Oscar worthy, but nobody asked me. 

Supporting Actor:  Another one-man race.  Christopher Plummer will certainly get a lot of votes for his very overdue nomination, but Christoph Waltz has won everything this year and there's no reason to believe he'll be denied the Oscar.  Nice to see Matt Damon get his first nomination.  I've always been on Team Matt.  Wes is on Team Ben, but I can overlook that.  I love that my secret lover Stanley Tucci got his first nomination.  I haven't seen The Lovely Bones and don't really want to, and have read very negative things about his performance.  I still love him.  Woody Harrelson has always gotten on my nerves.  If someone was going to get nominated for The Messenger, I would have preferred Samantha Morton.

Best Actress:  I believe this is a two-woman race between Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock and I predict that Bullock will win.  There's a feeling that this is her one shot at an award-winning dramatic role and she will never be better.  I adore Meryl and LOVED her in this movie, but Julie and Julia isn't exactly Sophie's Choice II. If she didn't win for Doubt, she's probably not going to win for this.  The most deserving in the field is Gabourey Sidibe, with Helen Mirren as the dark horse.  Gabby needs to get her cute self out there, charm all those Oscar voters and score an upset.   

Best Actor:  One-man race again as Jeff Bridges continues his awards sweep.  Colin Firth is the most deserving, but all those old farts in the Academy think queers are icky.  Morgan Freeman and George Clooney are battling it out for the title of Meryl Streep of actors.

Best Director:  It's Katherine Bigelow's year.  I'd love to see Lee Daniels win, but see what I said about Colin Firth above.

Best Picture:  District 9!  Good movie that would never ever have had a chance at Best Picture had they not changed the rules.  Maybe this 10-nomination thing wasn't such a bad idea after all.  Avatar and The Blind Side should bring in the masses and up the ratings.  I'm disappointed that A Single Man didn't get a slot, but, again, read what I said about Colin Firth above.  I think this is a battle between The Hurt Locker and Avatar.  I give the nod to Hurt Locker.

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