Wednesday, February 10, 2010


All the media hype surrounding the Snowpocalypse/Snowmageddon/
Snowmygod hitting the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic reminds me of the Great Blizzard of 1973.  What?  You don't remember the Great Blizzard of 1973?   You must not have grown up in the Southeast.   On February 9 of that year, it started snowing in South Carolina and we ended up with 2 feet in some places.  Even the beaches were snowed in, see?

I was a kid in North Augusta, SC at the time and I remember my mother going out to the patio table with a ruler every hour or so.  "We have 3 inches, Sam!"  "It's up to 6 inches!"  Eventually, she had to replace the ruler with a yard stick because we got 18 inches at our house, as scientifically measured by mom on the patio table.  I remember flopping into snowbanks wading into snow up to my waist.  I had never experienced more than a few inches before and was out of my mind with excitement.  I got to miss school too, which was key. 

Then I experienced the Great Blizzard of 1996 in Charlottesville, Virginia, picture below. 

Sure, it was exciting, but the excitement wore thin when I had to shovel the driveway and go to work.  Snow sucks when you're an adult.  Now that I live in Dallas, an occasional snow to make things pretty is great, and when it melts by the afternoon, it's perfect.  To all of you in the snow zone, you have my sympathies.

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