Friday, February 5, 2010

Weekend Movies Anyone?

What's up this weekend with you guys?  Going to any of the newly released movies?  Here in Dallas the big new movie is Dear John, the latest Nicholas Sparks tale of love at a Carolina beach.  The Dallas Morning News gave it a D and called it "as bland as unseasoned grits."  That's pretty bland.  On the up side, it stars Channing Tatum and since it's set at a beach, there's absolutely no reason for him to ever wear a shirt.  It also has charming Amanda Seyfried from Mamma Mia.  I'm still not going to see it. 

Maybe you want to see From Paris with Love starring John Travolta with a gotee and Jonathan Rees Myers in the oddest pairing of the year.  Another D from the DMN.  I'd rather drive a Toyota than be forced to see it.

Then there's Frozen, about three attractive young people slowly freezing to death because they're improbably trapped on a ski lift for a week.  It got a B, but I'm not going.  93 minutes of slow agony in the cold does not sound like a fun night at the movies.

Finally, the DMN gave a B to Killing Kasztner:  The Jew Who Dealt With Nazis which is a documentary about a man who saved Hungarian Jews.  A good documentary is right up my alley, but I have to be in the mood to see a holocaust film that's described as "methodical and overlong." 

I'm about the only person left on Earth who hasn't seen Avatar.   I'm on the fence, but I guess I should see it now that it has all those Oscar nominations, being an Oscar queen and all.  It seems like a very trite story told in a visually stunning way so I haven't been able to get very enthusiastic.  Have any of you seen it?  What did you think? 

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