Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Ate Fried Butter And Lived

Here it is, ladies and gentlemen, fried butter from the Texas State Fair.  Lazy Circles reader AC suggested I get some.  Actually, she read about fried butter dipped in chocolate.  I didn't see that, but I did see the honey cinnamon version.  Frankly, it was a bit underwhelming.  It was like a very, very, very buttery doughnut that squirted a bit in the mouth.  As a proper, weight-obsessed gay, I tried to pawn off as much as I could to Wes and our friends Roy and Gene.  Wes and Roy each ate one and Gene wisely passed.  That left three for me.  I'm not going to eat again for a month.

The prize winner this year was fried beer.  Yuck.  I didn't try it, but I'm not that crazy about cold beer (yes, AC, my palate has matured since our CofC days), so I wasn't interested in trying some fried concoction.  I didn't try the fried margarita, either.  They should be cold and frozen.  A fried margarita is a crime against nature.   

Here's daisy-fresh Roy and Gene enjoying the horticultural exhibit:

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