Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monday's Man: Dominic Cooper

I saw the charming new film An Education over the weekend and thought I might do a post on dreamy Peter Sarsgaard who plays the male lead. Then Dominic Cooper came on-screen looking sexy in his 1962 tailored suits and skinny ties and stole every scene he was in.

There's something about a short guy with a tight body that really does it for me. Unfortunately he stayed fully clothed throughout the film. Not to worry, though. If you want to see more of him, just rent Mama Mia.
The boy can handle a jet ski.
You thought I was going to post about Levi Johnston, didn't you? His Playgirl pictures have leaked all over the internet and they didn't exactly leave me breathless. But hey, he's a cute kid and all and I'm all for him grabbing his 15 minutes, so if you want to see, click here.

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