Sunday, February 7, 2010

"I Will Live, I Will Die for the People of America"

That's how Sarah Palin ended her speech to the Tea Baggers convention last night at Opryland in Nashville.  Seriously.  It wasn't ironic, it was serious and the audience bought it.  After a fact-free speech filled with cliches, digs at Obama, Christianism, and vague references to ideas she doesn't understand, she had the crowd on their feet, cheering wildly.  Today, we find out that the sportscaster who attended five different community colleges would be "willing" to run for President in 2012 (warning:  that's a Fox News link).  In other words, the 2012 Presidential election started last night and Sarah Palin's in it. 

Andrew Sullivan live-blogged the speech just in case you missed it.  You can read his excellent coverage here.   

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