Tuesday, July 20, 2010

More "Ex-Gay" BS

From LC NY Bureau Chief Doug, comes this story of yet another "ex-gay" scam artist.  This one, Alan Downing, a "therapist" with Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH), is particularly creepy.  Apparently Alan likes to watch attractive, barely legal boys undress and grab their genitals.  Wayne Besen of Truth Wins Out broke this story:

Notice that Mr. Levin was only 17 when this happened.  17 also happens to be the age of consent in New York.  I'm not an expert in New York law, but in Texas, causing a child under the age of 17 to expose his genitals is the crime of Indecency with a Child, if it is done with the intent to arouse or gratify sexual desires.  I wonder if Downing knew he couldn't leer at boys younger than Levin and get away with it?  Is that why he chose a 17 year old for this particular form of "therapy?"

One day, people will realize that "reparative therapy" is snake oil peddled to vulnerable people.  Mr. Levin and Mr. Unger were young and troubled and turned to Downing for help.  He exploited them.

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