Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Who Do I Write Like?

Here's a good time waster!  Plug in a bit of your writing at this site and find out what famous writer you write like!  I put in a few paragraphs of an unpublished story I wrote called Pageant Girl, about the Miss Texas Pageant.  It said I write like Margaret Atwood.  What a compliment!  Then I put in a few paragraphs from my story The Trick, which you can buy here (I never miss an opportunity to plug it), and it said I write like Steven King.  Not exactly Atwoodesque, but I'll take it.  Then I put in my blog post about Anita Bryant and it said I write like J.R.R. Tolkien.  Really?  Tolkien?  Either I'm totally schizophrenic or this whole thing is like the Sara Palin Baby Name Generator

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