Monday, July 19, 2010

Question of the Day

Do lesbians really get off on gay male porn? 

I saw the excellent The Kids are Alright over the weekend and was really confused by that scene.  Of course, I was more confused by...

SPOILER ALERT...SPOILER ALERT...if you haven't seen the move yet and haven't read any feminist blog reviews, don't read any further.  Seriously.  Stop.  If I could do that after-the-fold thing I would but I can't, so don't read any further...

...Julianne Moore's affair with a man.  Granted I'd do Mark Ruffalo in a heartbeat if he appeared at my door (and I wasn't madly in love with my husband), but why does Hollywood insist that all lesbians secretly want dick?  They really don't.  Maybe some do on occasion, female sexuality being such a mystery and all, but my (not exactly hands-on) experience is that most lesbians are quite happy without it.

Otherwise, it was a great movie and I highly recommend it.  It just would have made more sense if Julianne Moore had had an affair with a woman.   

In any case, can we just declare that Annette Benning will get the Oscar this year?  Finally?  She was funny and subtle and heartbreaking and very, very real.  She deserved it for "jerk yourself a soda" alone, much less Being Julia and The Grifters and American Beauty.  Don't even talk to me about competition from Hilary Swank's Marie rehash.  She stole that statuette from La Benning twice.  Third time belongs to Annette.

UPDATE:  Jacob Bernstein of The Daily Beast took the gay male porn question to some real-life lesbians and came up with some interesting answers. 

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