Monday, July 26, 2010

Ted Haggard: "I Have Over-Repented"

Ted Haggard is back with a new church, and it's growing.  In fact, it's outgrown it's original location and is moving into a new, bigger space.  Haggard has re-discovered his mojo and his ego.  From the Wall Street Journal:

"Tiger Woods needs to golf. Michael Vick needs to be playing football," Mr. Haggard said as his new congregation joined him and Gayle in their backyard for a post-worship picnic. Little kids, shrieking with joy, splashed in the pool. Men grilled burgers. Women set out chicken salad.

"Ted Haggard," Mr. Haggard said, "needs to be leading a church."

He acknowledged grave lapses of judgment in the episode he refers to as "my crisis." But Mr. Haggard also said that in his sorrow and shame, he accepted too much guilt after the scandal broke. 

"I over-repented," he said.

Of course he needs to be leading a church.  He has no marketable skills.  All he knows how to do is exploit other people's faith in God for profit. 

"If I was arrogant, I would have gotten a job in a farm bureau co-op somewhere in Iowa, changed my name and never been heard from again."

No.  If you were humble and contrite, you would have gotten a job in a farm bureau co-op somewhere in Iowa (if you were lucky enough to get hired) and lived an anonymous life.  Instead, like an arrogant, delusional ego-maniac, you returned to Colorado Springs, started a church, and courted the media. 

But wait, there's more:

"He portrays his encounter with the prostitute as a massage that went awry and said he doesn't have same-sex attractions."

Oh really, Mr. over-repented?  What about this?  And this? And a whole lot more.   Repentance involves scrupulous honesty.  All Missy Ted has done is continue to lie.  He's not man enough for true repentance.    

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