Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dem Wins in NY-23

The upset of the night occurred in the New York North Country where a Democrat will represent the district in Congress for the first time ever. Republicans have represented this area since before the Civil War. This is the district where the GOP candidate, Dede Scozzava, was forced out by dirty political meddling by the Club for Growth, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and the rest of the teabaggers. Scozzafa had committed the sins of supporting gay rights and abortion rights. They all endorsed an unknown named Hoffman running as a conservative. Scozzava dropped out of the race a few days ago and the Republican National Committee switched positions and backed Hoffman. All the pundits predicted the voters in this heavily Republican district would go for Hoffman. All the pundits were wrong.

Thus, the drive to purify the Republican party and purge is of apostates has resulted in a Democratic pick-up. Brilliant strategy, conservatives.

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