Monday, November 9, 2009

Mad Men Mondays

The last episode! So much going on! Here are my thoughts (don't read further if you haven't see it yet):

Is Sal really gone forever? They keep teasing us with bits like Peggy's complaint that she doesn't have art because there's no art department. Bring Sal back to the new firm! Let's start a petition!

Thank God they found a new job for Joan. She should never have been sidelined.

No way Roger Sterling's marriage survives; Joan's either. Those two are meant for each other.

Either Betty doesn't go through with the divorce or she has a torrid post-divorce affair with Don.

I kind of wish they had chosen Ken over Paul. He's cuter and not such a dick. Decent gratuitous beefcake shot of Paul, though.

I suppose Duck is done.

Who among the left-overs at Sterling Cooper will stick around for next season?

What do you think?

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