Tuesday, March 23, 2010

1LT Choi Felt Betrayed by HRC

Dan Choi gave an interview with Newsweek Magazine and didn't hold back on HRC's rally for the cameras:

"If [the Human Rights Campaign] thinks that having a rally at Freedom Plaza with a comedienne is the right approach, I have to wonder. Don't Ask, Don't Tell is not a joking matter to me. To be at Freedom Plaza and not at the White House or Congress? Who are they trying to influence? I felt like they were just trying to speak to themselves. If that's the best the lobbying groups and HRC can do, then I don't know how these powerful groups are supposed to represent our community. Kathy Griffin and [HRC president] Joe Solmonese said they would march with me to the White House but didn’t. I feel so betrayed by them."

I think Choi just drove the final nail into the coffin of HRC's relevance. 

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