Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Georgia Town Allows Gay Prom Date

When 18 year old Derrick Martin of Cochran, Georgia asked the school board if he could take a male date to his prom at Bleckley County High School, he was surprised that the answer was yes.  According to school board rules, out-of-county dates must be approved in advance, and Derrick followed the rules by asking.  In sharp contrast to Itawamba, Mississippi where Constance McMillan made a similar request and saw the prom cancelled, Bleckley County High's prom will be held on April 17, as planned.  It sounds like the Bleckley board learned a few things from Mississippi and decided to do things right.  See what happens when sanity reigns? 

Martin initially asked his principal who said no, reasoning the school wasn't ready for it.  The board, however, found no rule against it and allowed it. 

Martin is an honor student who tutors at-risk kids.  He has a full scholarship to college.


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