Friday, March 26, 2010

Ticked Off Trannies With Knives

Dallas filmmaker Israel Luna has kicked up a controversy with his latest film, Ticked Off Trannies With Knives.  The film stars iconic Dallas entertainers including Richard Curtin, Jenna Skyy, and Krystal Summers.  I've seen them all perform and they're amazing.  I can't wait to see this film. 

The film is an official selection of the Tribeca Film Festival and GLAAD has decided to raise a stink.  The issued an ACTION ALERT!!! because this is what we all should be super-duper concerned about these days:

"GLAAD was recently alerted by community members and allies to a film called Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives that will be screened at the upcoming Tribeca Film Festival.

GLAAD has since seen the film in its entirety and can report that the title is far from the only problem with this film. The film, its title and its marketing misrepresent the lives of transgender women and use grotesque, exploitative depictions of violence against transgender women in ways that make light of the horrific brutality they all too often face."

It goes on for a while.  You can read it all at the link above.  It turns out GLAAD is not being completely honest in it's righteous indignation.  The Tribeca Film Festival has issued the following statement:

“The filmmakers provided a copy of this film to GLAAD in February, and for weeks the organization had been supportive to the filmmakers. In fact, GLAAD representatives advised the film’s producer, director and cast on how to describe the film to its core constituency. Tribeca is proud of its ongoing commitment to bring diverse voices and stories to its audiences, and looks forward to the film’s premiere at our Festival next month.”

So much for "recently alerted by community members." 

Movieline went further:

"First of all, congratulations to Luna (a sort of budding Tarantino if Tarantino were Latino, Texan and gay — which kind of makes cosmic sense, somehow), who’ll see his profile heightened immeasurably as the man at the center of this particular contrannieversy.

But back to the issue: When, exactly, did GLAAD start delineating between what is acceptable or not acceptable humor within the whole Queer spectrum for whom they advocate? According to their logic, drag as a subject is an OK area for broad satire, because it’s “performing,” but transexualism is not. Well, what if the transexual in question also happens to be a raunchy drag performer, like Dirty Sexy Money star Candis Cayne? Doesn’t the voice of the filmmaker count for something? Are transexuals incapable of laughing at themselves? If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love someone else? Can I get an amen up in here?! (And don’t f*ck it up.)"

I was totally unaware of this movie before GLAAD decided to give it tons of free publicity.  Now I can't wait to see it!  Thanks GLAAD!

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