Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Erykah Badu Bares Herself in Dealy Plaza

Dallas-based Erykah Badu released a new video in which she takes off all her clothes in Dealey Plaza - yes, that Dealey Plaza - and then is assassinated. 

The whole thing was shot guerrilla style without permits.  Whoever happened to be on the street that day saw it all happen.  It opens with Erykah driving up in a vintage Lincoln, the radio voice-over of the Kennedy motorcade in the background.  She gets out, walks up to the grassy knoll, disrobing along the way.  A shot rings out and she falls. 

Here's how she explained it to the Dallas Morning News:

"Times Square is the most monumental place in New York, and when I was thinking of monumental places, the grassy knoll was the most monumental place in Dallas I could think of. I tied it in a way that compared that assassination to the character assassination one would go through after showing his or her self completely. That’s exactly the action that I wanted to display."

You can watch the whole thing at her website here.  Probably not safe for work although her body parts are pixilated. 

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